Nicolás F. D’Albora


Lawyer focused in Criminal Law (University of Buenos Aires year 2000). He was born in 1976.
Officer at the General Attorney¹s office before the Federal Criminal and Correctional Appellate Court of the Federal Capital City and the National Appellate Court of Criminal Cassation between 1994 and 2000. Ex associate at the Law Firm “ D´Albora & Asociados”.


In the month of January, 2000, he worked as a researcher in the Criminal Procedural Law area at the University of Saint Louis, United States of America.

He has written several papers in legal magazines. Certified at the London School of English (London, 1994). He updated the 7th, 8th & 9th edition of the National Criminal Procedural Code. Act number 23.984. Noted, annotated and agreed, written by Francisco J. D’Albora(†), Abeledo Perrot, 2005-2009-2011. Author of the work “ Limits and projections of criminal appeals”, Prologue by Daniel Pastor, Ad-Hoc, Bs.As. 2015

Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law at Escuela del Cuerpo de Abogados del Estado de la Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación. Professor of “Criminal Procedure” at the University of Buenos Aires . Former professor at Belgrano University.

Av. Santa Fe 900, P 6 – C1059ABP – CABA
Tel.(+54-11) 3221 9988